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From Democrats to Republicans (Also known as from San Francisco, CA to Odessa, TX)

In honor of Independence Day in the U.S.:

There once was a child born in Kansas, 
living as centrally in the U.S. as can be,
who loved the land of Dorothy and Todo, 
but knew nothing of the world beyond the horizon they could see.


They asked their dad from Georgia, 
“What is the country beyond the border?”
The father responded, “Son, it's the land,
of the American dream and entrepreneur,

Where you raise your children on good American values,
prepare them for the land of self-governance,
where through hard-work and commitment, if had in abundance,
they will be ready for self-independence.

And most of all it’s the land of the brave,
and along with that the land of the free,
with stripes and stars flying in the sky,
and hoping for better for you and for me."


But then the child went to their mother,
and asked again the question of before,
looking to the woman born in California,
“What is the country beyond the border?”

The mother replied, “Son, it's the land,
of second chances and equality,
where rights of freedom abound in this Melting Pot,
and dreams are achieved with equal opportunity.

And most of all it’s the land of the brave,
and along with that the land of the free,
with stripes and stars flying in the sky,
and hoping for better for you and for me."


And the child thought, looking up at the sky,
seeing fireworks blaze on that Fourth of July,
thinking, as long as that flag would fly,
they would value that freedom, that have them, you, and I.


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