Boulder on a hill, tumbling down, With stubborn resolution, coming back around, Letting loose a cry, a frustrated sound, As the boulder kept on, tumbling down. Sisyphus gave chase, landing with a bound, Stopping the boulder just as it reached the ground, Shoulder set, teeth gritted and head down and bowed, He roared with the effort, clearly and loud. Inch by inch, climbing up the mound, As the boulder gained weight pound by pound, Never giving up, staying strong and proud, He struggled to the top, reaching for a cloud, But anyone knows a cloud’s not a sound- foundation for rest, and so he found, the boulder, fell, turning round and round, As the boulder kept on, tumbling down. I reached out to him, as he came towards me, wanting to show him, make him see, he didn’t need his boulder, didn’t need to succeed, If he just let go, he could hold on to me. So for a while he did, intimately, Arms around me, holding so very tightly, But whil...