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Showing posts from June, 2016

Writing Byte #6: A Visit from the Muse

Have you ever felt it? That one feeling… that one explosion in your soul. It builds hot and wild in your chest, swirling about and around, faster than a hurricane. It stretches the limits of your heart, filling every inch of you, from the tips of your hair to the bottoms of your feet. It stretches your fingertips out, making you long to reach out and grasp something you could never touch. It is barely contained by the physical limitations of your body. It is like an untamed stallion: bucking, rearing, and devoid of all thought. All it has is the longing to be free, and to ride with unlimited strength under the sun, reaching beyond the horizon of the the impossible. And then your heart turns to wage war with itself. A giddy joy fills your body, making your feet and your heart both long to dance. And at the same time the explosion pricks your heart with the most terrible sorrow. You feel the overwhelming pressure of the tears pressing behind your eyes. But even as ...

Writing Byte #5 What Do We Feel in the Silence?

Sorry it's been forever! Here we go: Emotion behind the words, behind the tunes, Behind the stories and melodies, Emotion, the feeling in our souls, in our hearts, in the places inside us no one can touch, Emotions lying dormant and hidden, Buried deep within the core of each of us, Exposed from behind the traffic and bustle, conversations and clashing, what would we find? Would we discover truth? Would we find beauty? Horror? Everything? Nothing? Or would we find the emotions we've known all along? Whatever I find, would the knowledge bless me or curse me? Regardless of revelations, what good would it do if I had no clashing or conversation, bustle or traffic, melody, story, tune or words with which to express it? As it is, I search for truth not only within myself, but also in this turbulent world around me.